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Streamlabs Chatbot Commands Every Stream Needs

By July 22, 2024December 26th, 2024No Comments

How to Make Someone a Mod on Twitch

streamlabs mod commands

Cloudbot is a cloud-based chatbot that enables streamers to automate and manage their chat during live streams. This command only works when using the Streamlabs Chatbot song requests feature. If you are allowing stream viewers to make song suggestions then you can also add the username of the requester to the response. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. An 8Ball command adds some fun and interaction to the stream.

You can set the chat to “Followers Only” mode to make sure that people must follow the channel to communicate. In a cyberbullying situation, you should set a time frame on how long someone has to have followed before they can type. Most trolls will move on to their next victim rather than follow and wait out minutes. We recommend turning off the mode no more than a half-hour after the troll invasion. Streamlabs offers streamers the possibility to activate their own chatbot and set it up according to their ideas. If you create commands for everyone in your chat to use, list them in your Twitch profile so that your viewers know their options.

Occasionally, you may need to put a viewer in timeout or bring down the moderator ban hammer. As with all other commands, you should discuss with the streamer what actions could lead to a time-out or ban. Variables are sourced from a text document stored on your PC and can be edited at any time. Feel free to use our list as a starting point for your own. Similar to a hug command, the slap command one viewer to slap another. The slap command can be set up with a random variable that will input an item to be used for the slapping.

Link Protection

In this post, we will cover the commands you’ll need to use as a mod. Once you have done that, it’s time to create your first command. This will return the date and time for every particular Twitch account created. This will return how much time ago users followed your channel.

You can make an announcement if there’s an important message you want to tell everyone on the stream. Again, these are what are accessible as of right now in 2020. Leave the obsremoteparameters in the ‘zip’ format; we will need it like that later. Set up rewards for your viewers to claim with their loyalty points. Check out part two about Custom Command Advanced Settings here. The Reply In setting allows you to change the way the bot responds.

If you aren’t very familiar with bots yet or what commands are commonly used, we’ve got you covered. To get started, all you need to do is go HERE and make sure the Cloudbot is enabled first. In this new series, we’ll take you through some of the most useful features available for Streamlabs Cloudbot. We’ll walk you through how to use them, and show you the benefits.

This way, your viewers can also use the full power of the chatbot and get information about your stream with different Streamlabs Chatbot Commands. If you’d like to learn more about Streamlabs Chatbot Commands, we recommend checking out this 60-page documentation from Streamlabs. Go through the installer process for the streamlabs chatbot first. I am not sure how this works on mac operating systems so good luck. If you are unable to do this alone, you probably shouldn’t be following this tutorial.

Do this by stream labs commandsing custom chat commands with a game-restriction to your timer’s list of chat commands. Now i can hit ‘submit‘ and it will appear Chat GPT in the we have to go back to our obs program and add the media. Go to the ‘sources’ location and click the ‘+’ button and then add ‘media source’.

Date Command

If you want to delete the command altogether, click the trash can option. Word Protection will remove messages containing offensive slurs. The preferences settings explained here are identical for Caps, Symbol, Paragraph & Emote Protection Mod Tools.

streamlabs mod commands

I know that with the nightbot there’s the default command “! Viewers can use the next song command to find out what requested song will play next. Like the current song command, you can also include who the song was requested by in the response. You can connect Chatbot to different channels and manage them individually.

Best Streamlabs chatbot commands – Dot Esports

For example, when playing particularly hard video games, you can set up a death counter to show viewers how many times you have died. Death command in the chat, you or your mods can then add an event in this case, so that the counter increases. You can of course change the type of counter and the command as the situation requires.

How to add a lurk command on Twitch – Dot Esports

How to add a lurk command on Twitch.

Posted: Mon, 27 Sep 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]

With the command enabled viewers can ask a question and receive a response from the 8Ball. You will need to have Streamlabs read a text file with the command. Streamlabs Chatbot’s Command feature is very comprehensive and customizable. For example, you can change the stream title and category or ban certain users. In this menu, you have the possibility to create different Streamlabs Chatbot Commands and then make them available to different groups of users.

This will allow you to customize the video clip size/location onscreen without closing. From here you can change the ‘audio monitoring’ from ‘monitor off’ to ‘monitor and output’. This returns all channels that are currently hosting your channel (if you’re a large streamer, use with caution). This returns the date and time of when a specified Twitch account was created. Chat commands are a great way to engage with your audience and offer helpful information about common questions or events. This post will show you exactly how to set up custom chat commands in Streamlabs.

Streamlabs Chatbot Commands for Mods

Your stream viewers are likely to also be interested in the content that you post on other sites. It automatically optimizes all of your personalized settings to go live. This streaming tool is gaining popularity because of its rollicking experience. Using this amazing tool requires no initiation charges, but, when you go with a prime plan, you will be charged in a monthly cycle. Streamlabs Chatbot is developed to enable streamers to enhance the users’ experience with rich imbibed functionality.

  • In this box you want to make sure to setup ‘twitch bot’, ‘twitch streamer’, and ‘obs remote’.
  • And 4) Cross Clip, the easiest way to convert Twitch clips to videos for TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts.
  • If you aren’t very familiar with bots yet or what commands are commonly used, we’ve got you covered.

Link Protection prevents users from posting links in your chat without permission. All they have to do is say the keyword, and the response will appear in chat. You can also set the timeout for a specific period of time set up in seconds.

The biggest difference is that your viewers don’t need to use an exclamation mark to trigger the response. Find out how to choose which chatbot is right for your stream. Click HERE and download c++ redistributable packagesFill checkbox A and B.and click next (C)Wait for both downloads to finish.

You will need to determine how many seconds are in the period of time you want the ban to last. We have included a handy chart to help you with common ban durations. It’s best to tell the channel owner if you’re thinking of starting, ending, or deleting a poll. If you use this command, stay between seconds to avoid your viewers becoming overly frustrated.

Twitch Mod Command to Slow Chat

Yes, Streamlabs Chatbot supports multiple-channel functionality. Below are the most commonly used commands that are being used by other streamers in their channels. You can set up and define these notifications with the Streamlabs chatbot. So you have the possibility to thank the Streamlabs chatbot for a follow, a host, a cheer, a sub or a raid.

Shoutout commands allow moderators to link another streamer’s channel in the chat. To add custom commands, visit the Commands section in the Cloudbot dashboard. Now i would recommend going into the chatbot settings and making sure ‘auto connect on launch’ is checked.

streamlabs mod commands

If you have other streamer friends, you can ask if they know anyone who might be a good fit for your channel. They may recommend someone with moderating experience who would fit the bill. If there’s a user you suspect of sending annoying or worrying messages, keep track of their chats by using this command. You can also click the clock symbol on the chat or on the username when you’ve clicked their name in chat. To cancel the timeout, either use the unban command (mentioned below) or override the timeout with a 1-second timeout. This guide is a complete list of the most commonly used mod commands on Twitch.

However, there are several benefits to having a mod for your live stream. Occasionally, if someone refuses to follow the rules even after time-outs, you may have to ban them from the channel permanently. It is important to discuss this with the streamer beforehand.

  • It automatically optimizes all of your personalized settings to go live.
  • If you create commands for everyone in your chat to use, list them in your Twitch profile so that your viewers know their options.
  • Streamlabs Chatbot requires some additional files (Visual C++ 2017 Redistributables) that might not be currently installed on your system.
  • A current song command allows viewers to know what song is playing.
  • Followage, this is a commonly used command to display the amount of time someone has followed a channel for.

You can also use them to make inside jokes to enjoy with your followers as you grow your community. In addition to the Auto Permit functionality mentioned above, Mods can also grant access to users on an individual basis. If a viewer asks for permission to post a link, your Mods can use the command ! There are also many benefits to being a live stream moderator, especially if you’re new to the streaming space. You can temporarily ban a viewer from being able to type chat for some time. When you have successfully banned the viewer, both you and the viewer will be able to view a message describing the timeout.

When troubleshooting scripts your best help is the error view. Streamlabs users get their money’s worth here – because the setup is child’s play and requires no prior knowledge. All you need before installing the chatbot is a working installation of the actual tool Streamlabs OBS. Once you have Streamlabs installed, you can start downloading the chatbot tool, which you can find here.

This lists the top 5 users who have the most points/currency. If you’re looking to implement those kinds of commands on your channel, here are a few of the most-used ones that will help you get started. With everything connected now, you should see some new things. Watch time commands allow your viewers to see how long they have been watching the stream. It is a fun way for viewers to interact with the stream and show their support, even if they’re lurking.

The chatbot will immediately recognize the corresponding event and the message you set will appear in the chat. There are three simple ways to add a user as a moderator for your Twitch live stream, and below are the steps for each. Growing your audience on Twitch can be a very exciting experience.

This can range from handling giveaways to managing new hosts when the streamer is offline. Work with the streamer to sort out what their priorities will be. Sometimes a streamer will ask you to keep track of the number of times they do something on stream. The streamer will name the counter and you will use that to keep track. Here’s how you would keep track of a counter with the command !

To return the date and time when your users followed your channel. When streaming it is likely that you get viewers from all around the world. For advanced users, when adding a word to the blacklist you will see a checkbox for This word contains Regular Expression. With Permit Duration, you can customize the amount of time a user has until they can no longer post a link anymore. You can enable any of of the Streamlabs Cloudbot Mod Tools by toggling the switch to the right to the on position. Once enabled, you can customize the settings by clicking on Preferences.

By typing the slash symbol on the Twitch chat, the list of all the commands available to you will appear. However, it would be easier for you to use the specific streamlabs mod commands one you need instead of going through the list of Twitch commands as it can cause lag. Here you’ll always have the perfect overview of your entire stream.

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